Diabetic News & Photos

Howdy Y'all,

I'm adding this page to keep you updated on current Diabetes news. This page is purely informative and won't contain any of my amazingly witty banter (awwww), but it gives you a chance to see what's happening regarding Diabetes.


July 29, 2013
Yay! More good news. Here's an article about NEW complications related to Type 1 Diabetes.

July 23, 2013
Here's an interesting article about companies who claim to have products that "cure" diabetes and how the FDA is red-flagging them. Since, you know, that's illegal.

Photos I Love:

This kiddo felt "different" for having an insulin pump so his parents had pumps tattooed on them.

Cute ideas for medical ID tattoos. Still on the fence on whether I would actually do it. (Obviously not these exact designs, placement, or sizes.)