Here's the problem. Diabetes can make working out difficult sometimes. For the most part, as long as your blood sugars are normal, working out is perfectly OK. But when your blood sugars are all over the place, things go haywire.
The relationship between blood sugar levels and working out is one of the most mind-boggling, ironic, and just all around hot mess of relationships. Let me try and explain:
First of all, working out lowers your blood sugar. This goes for "normal" people too, not just diabadasses. This is wonderful and is one of the many reasons working out is great. Until (and you saw this one coming) your blood sugar gets TOO low and you have to get some sugar in your body at which point your brain is screaming, "I AM TRYING TO WORKOUT TO BE HEALTHY AND LOSE WEIGHT AND BECAUSE I'M DOING THIS I HAVE TO EAT SUGAR WHICH JUST MAKES ME NEED TO WORK OUT MORE, @#$%!!!!"
Here's another kicker: it's really, really dangerous and unhealthy to use working out as a way to lower a high blood sugar. So even though it logically makes sense, medically it's a no-go.
Oh, but wait! Your brain has yet another opinion: not working out just because your blood sugar is a little bit high just makes you a wimpy lard. So you do it anyway. You double-up on your water intake and head out to trainer anyway. And even though you are running slower than a turtle stampeding through peanut butter and are breathing like an asthmatic fish in the desert, you are proud be working out! Take that, diabetes.
CRASH. No surprise here. Once you get home you collapse on your bed, go to sleep, and don't wake up until you hear the helicopters from the search team your family and friends have sent out for you.
And that's the vicious cycle.
Now it's not obviously always like this. Most workouts are as normal and enjoyable as a workout can be. But if that number is just a little off kilter, all hell breaks loose.
But that just means that when my trainer and I get me to that Beyonce body it'll be that much sweeter. Pun intended.
I feel the need for there to be trainers who are diabadasses, so that they can "see" some of these warning signs and help you either push through them or know when they need to stop you before things go terribly wrong!